Hybrid Workforce Health, Safety & Compliance
Employers have a duty of care to their employees to protect the health, mental health and safety of their hybrid workforce.

With the outbreak of the COVID pandemic in 2020, ANZEND set out to design a comprehensive digital platform to ensure employees were working in a safe environment regardless of their location.

What Does ANZEND Offer?
ANZEND is a software as a service platform focused on helping organizations protect the health, mental health and safety of their hybrid workforce.
Powered by Microsoft Azure, ANZEND allows for flexibility of work locations whilst ensuring organizations legal obligations are met including compliance, risk mitigation, employee health, safety & wellbeing when employees work remotely.
All data resides in country, which is important for regulatory and data security purposes
Key Features
Microsoft Teams interoperability
Extensive reporting to provide insights on your hybrid workforce
Certify multiple work locations
Photo geo tagging of work location
Log pre-existing medical conditions
Request Employee work from home equipment
Employee mental health notifications to take breaks
Comprehensive dashboards with detailed statistics
Custom branding & onboarding
Subscription based for rapid deployment & flexibility
Protect the Health, Mental Health & Safety of your Hybrid Work force